Mermaids Must Refrain From Sandcastles

Fall of ’19 with a reflection in Spring of ’22


I thought I was being open-minded, but I was really being stupid. Purposely going for guys painfully out of my type did nothing but reinforce my type. Intellectuals are a must! I don’t care if they have adventurous hobbies or tales of being deployed all over the green and blue globe. Attraction is a necessity I’ve been ignoring in the guys I’ve entertained dating. I don’t mean entertained on day dreams while shooting whiskey at the bar, I mean guys I’ve actually poured effort into getting to know.

I kept trying to push personality and be open-minded. It was if I was exploring creativity in seeking love in a town that feels rotten to me. But, then it hit me: I didn’t know what I wanted.

I was just picking up pebbles along the way to passing time. One pebble on a disk golf course, one at church, one at the cinema, one over cheese fries, and one in a pedicab. At the end of the day, they all ended things with me. It left me dissatisfied either way.


So I finally checked out of the app, like that book which under your bed, it was long overdue. Although I hope not to look back for at least a couple months or so, I still I had a few leads that I exchanged information with before deleting it.… dun. dun. DUN.


AND to reflect on the comment left on the original posting of this blog post:

Well, you’ve got some nerve!

I can certainly tell this “reader” isn’t from the South or else his grandmother would thump his wrist with a silver spoon! He obviously isn’t much of a thorough reader either because I don’t understand how recounting bad date stories of a young girl open to love equates to “slut… proof.”

Just because I chose to take a risk and share my dating blunders with bloggers (and I suppose some judgmental eyes) doesn’t warrant an assumption that I slept with all these “mr. ___” nor is it the point of sharing it. The point of DatesandCakes is and always has been: even if you say cute things, put on “the” first impression, and try your damnedest, you still may end up ghosted, dumbfounded, or even insulted. And if that happens to you…. I don’t know….. 237 consecutive times then…you’re not alone. If you’re still with your high school sweetheart, then you’re welcome for the entertainment and I hope you kiss them a little longer tonight! 😉 But, if you put your heart into another person and they didn’t reciprocate or appreciate you, know this doesn’t define you and you can still make today sweet.

So to Mr. Anonymous (and your url is traceable but baby, you weren’t worth the computer clicking), your slut-shaming isn’t valid nor does it define me. Thanks actually for helping me make another point to those that have been shamed (publicly or not)….

Today’s Sweetness is brought to you by the cowards of the internet, insulting others from behind a screen. Kiss my “Blarney Stone”


Grandma Mottle’s Blarney Stones


  • 2 cups confectioners’ sugar
  • ½ cup milk, or as needed
  • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups dry roasted salted peanuts, finely chopped
  • 1 pound cake, cut into bize-size cubes
  1. Pour confectioners’ sugar in a bowl. Gradually add milk, whisking constantly, until mixture has a thin frosting consistency; whisk in vanilla extract.
  2. Place chopped peanuts in a bowl. Line a flat surface or a plate with waxed paper.
  3. Dip 1 pound cake cube in frosting and roll cube in peanuts; place on wax paper to dry.
  4. Repeat with remaining cowards— I mean pound cake pieces.

2 thoughts on “Mermaids Must Refrain From Sandcastles

  1. I will never understand why people feel the need to leave such comments. Are their lives so miserable that they need to bash other people to feel good about themselves?
    I had a blogger devote a whole post to calling me a man-hater. He had left me comments and I ignored him, so he wrote a post.
    We are just too strong, too independent and too outspoken for some people. oh well…
    Keep on being yourself! You rock!!


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