
Now that I’ve poured my heart into digital print about the are’s, here are two examples a different are’s I’ve come in contact with and attempted to date.

This guy was not even my type. A bit young, a bit cocky, a bit goofy, but not in the super cute way. He requested a match with me and had a funny comment on his profile so, I decided to give him a chance.

Immediately, I could sense that he was a skeeze and the conversation, turn to where I can invite my best friend to the date for us to get Margaritas. He was on his way out of town due to military orders and certainly wasn’t looking for anything of substance. My best friend had just gotten her heartbroken and was certainly down for some free margaritas. I sent a picture of the two of us to him and of course he made some crude comment about a threesome or something.

Then, he said, “You’re *insert phrase here*”

I continued to play his little game and just said, “we’ll see when we get there.” My best friend was fully content with getting the margaritas and bouncing.

The day before our projected Margarita date, him and I begin talking back and forth. He actually seemed like a cool dude and actually was looking for a relationship, according to him… I don’t know if anyone really means that anymore.

He said we could visit him in Wisconsin when he moved and naturally, I was up for the cheesy adventure!


He began fantasizing to me, via text about my best friend kissing him and the probability of him getting attached. But hold up, you messaged me here. Matched with me on a dating site. AND I don’t even have a pic of her in my profile for this very reason and this is still going where I think it’s going?

Wait for it…..

This is where I’m really shallow… Youre cute and have a good head on your shoulders but I’m not super attracted to you. We couldn’t be more than friends.”


Of little substance, this dessert is most suiting to last week’s skeeze.

Felicia’s Frosted Flake Cluster F*ck


Small mindedness has very little substance, like 2 or 3 ingredients worth.

  • 1 cup sugar frosted corn flake cereal
  • 1 cup butterscotch chips
  • 1 cup peanut butter

Upon fruition, with little effort and care, results into a sub-par dessert, suitable for those under 12.

  1. In sauce pan over low heat, melt butterscotch chips and peanut butter. Remove from heat and add frosted corn flake cereal.
  2. Drop (like a hot potato) onto wax paper lined cookie sheet

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