“I Want You So Bad”


Why do I continue to do this? It all starts out the same. Beautiful, stunning, wow your eyes, as they stare into them intently with a longing. A seemingly affectionate glow then tainted by the words: I want you so bad.

That’s it.

That’s the phrase right there that translates: run (v).

I know it. That’s the phrase that makes me no more desired then a lustful venture. Temporary and fast, that’s what I am … to three of them now.

  • They’re not looking for my quirks and if I’m girlfriend material
  • They’re always looking into my eyes when they say it and holding me with a bit of applied pressure
  • They always have a hard-on when they say it

​If only they knew what this does to me. Not in the curling your toes, arching your back kind of way…


More in the self-loathing, shame-stirring type of way. The way that makes you want to drown your hollow shell. Keep feeling it.

And although I’m sure you’re dying to know if I’m a freak and to what degree, the ways our bodies synchronize or don’t, and if you’ll want this again or if it was a mistake… I am panicking.

I fear this is all some men see when they look at me. Especially when they look at me that way and say those words– instantly, I’ve been  launched into the 20’s where I’m just a pretty face but, my words aren’t warranted and my presence isn’t allowed without male supervision.


I wish this illustrated my pouting stance, but I’m not quite as fabulous.

The reason I allowed this phrase to affect me is, because these are guys that meant something. Made me feel something and then made me feel nothing.

My emotions are depleted and it makes me want to take a hiatus. Beyond the walls of a simple compliment is feelings less than lucky.

No one’s feeling lucky cake

  1. Bake two 9″ round cakes of your favorite flavor, from your favorite grandma, or it’s not a crock if you seek assistance from Betty or Pilsb.
  2. Once those are cooled, spread chocolate frosting on each layer and stack them.
  3. Spread the frosting evenly all over on top.
  4. Strategically arrange the green m&m’s into a 4 leaf clover.
  5. Cut most of the kit-kat bars in half and fence in the cake, just like these words fenced me in

8 thoughts on ““I Want You So Bad”

  1. New job is in a new twist on my usual, and building my team. It has been a lot. But the writing IS a passion of mine, I hope to get in the habit again. Argh, habits are hard to build, even ones we used to have!
    You are a great fan Miss Steph. Very encouraging!


  2. I think followers really help build confidence, BUT, I am not blind enough to think all followers read what they “like”. So we shouldn’t give them too much credence, girl. If you have a book idea, don’t wait for your blog to give you confidence!


  3. How are you doing, my cyber friend? I am coming back from my hiatus, have so much to share, and catch up with where you have been and are. How are you Steph??


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